No Alarms

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Big Ben by Rajath Parashurama

No Alarms

It’s funny how people round off ages as if they were integers. When people hear me say I’m 27, they’d go off and broadcast that I’m 30. They don’t seem to notice the numbers between the multiples of 5! While I don’t really mind adding or subtracting a few years to my age to ride along with other people’s idiosyncrasies, it gets kind of unnerving if they attach the said age to my apparent lack of partner.

“Oh my gosh, you’re 30 and you’re still single?!” people would exclaim when they hear my age, accompanied by a gasp of indignation. “But why!?” To which I would reply, “I’m 27. And as for the ‘why’, give me your e-mail address so I could send you the MS Word document explaining my lack of partner.”

There’s really no MS Word document, but it’s much easier to imply that I have reasons more acceptable than “I’m not searching for a partner,” because that would trigger another round of outraged gasps and mumbled half-hearted explanations. To be honest, pretty soon I’d be 28 (still two years shy from 30!), but I still don’t hear any alarm clock or time bomb ticking when it comes to my love life.

Many people don’t seem to understand that I’m perfectly happy being single. I’m sure that there are well-meaning intentions behind those scandalized reactions, because really, who wouldn’t want to find their One True Love? I do, too, but right how, I’m just enjoying my single life too much to put my name in the proverbial dating pool. My heart (and schedule!) is full because I’ve been so blessed — a great job at Shepherd’s Voice, amazing co-workers, extra editing and writing projects, fantastic friends, wonderful family, and an incredible community to serve in. I’m perfectly fine writing stories, climbing mountains, scuba diving, and running marathons as a single woman. If it so happened that I’d meet Mr. OTL in one of my expeditions, then thank you, Lord. If not, I’d still thank the Lord. I believe that everything happens in God’s perfect time, so why rush, and why panic?

Maybe tomorrow the alarm clock will start ticking and the time bomb will start its deadly count down. Maybe tomorrow I’ll eat my words and immediately ask my friends to go collect the numbers of their single and searching friends. Maybe tomorrow I’ll finally feel that gut-wrenching desperation and desire to finally actively seek for my One True Love. I honestly don’t know what happens between now and then. It would be superb if he would come knocking at my door with a bouquet of roses with one hand and a ring on the other, but I know that it doesn’t really work that way. I have to find him, or he has to find me. But until then, I’ll live my life loving and enjoying the many blessings God has given me. Karren Renz Seña (


Dating can often be confusing, mysterious or downright impossible. Whether your problem is you’ve never had a date or can’t figure out how to get your boyfriend to propose marriage, Rissa SingsonKawpeng’s newest book, Love Handles: Get a Grip on Finding and Dating Your Lifetime Love will not just enlighten and inspire but entertain you as well.

This book will teach you:

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  • What things you need to throw out to have a happy relationship
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