“If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”
– Luke 14:26
The Value of Things
If I slapped a friend just for kicks, she’d probably never talk to me again. If I did the same to my boss, I’d likely be suspended. Still, if I hit the President, I’d be thrown in jail or shot on site. See the pattern? Even if the offense is the same, the weight of punishment follows the rank of the person offended. So what do you think happens when we offend God?
As the weight of punishment varies according to the person we offend, so should our love and loyalty naturally change according to the responsibility we have towards people. While my kids were having a conversation, one of them asked, “Who is more important, Mommy or God?” My other kid replied, “God, of course, because Mommy wouldn’t be around if it weren’t for God.”
In being called to follow Christ, we are also called to know the weight and value of our relationships. We are tasked to grow in knowing each person’s place in our lives. God most certainly should always be first. It is not, after all, worthy of being called Christianity if it isn’t Christ-centered. Rod Velez (rod.velez@gmail.com)
Reflection: If you were to stack rank the people you love, where would God be in the list? No, really?
What does it mean, Lord, for the psalmist to say, “A day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere?” He must have really loved You to want to be in Your presence so much. I want to love you that way, too.
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