The Truly Rich Blueprint

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There are Master Keys to a Truly Rich business. You need to:

1. Have the right mindset about money and right mindset for business.
It’s a change of will, a change of heart, and a change of behavior towards the business journey. It is the mindset of converting wanting into committing. It is being action-oriented.
Dean, how do I have the right mindset for money and business?
You need to take a look at the “ghosts” of your past related to money or investing. You also need to believe that you can be seriously rich in your lifetime. You need to believe that you have what it takes to be a businessman.

2. Find the “masterminds” of business.
These are the role models, past and present, local or international entrepreneurs, that have shared their failures and successes. Knowing them and what they have done will inspire you to take the journey.
Dean, where do I find these masterminds?
You can read about them through books, newspaper clippings, Google, YouTube, and see them in action during business forums and caravans.

3. Capture the “mentoring” moments.
These are very powerful because you can get actual situations of entrepreneurship coaching between mentor and mentee. You can shorten your learning curve.
How is this possible when business mentors are busy and, if ever they’re available, their coaching is expensive?
Reading through anecdotes and cases of our Truly Rich Club newsletters would give you insights on how to do your own. It’s like eavesdropping into the business conversation. You can find what is relevant and important to your prospective business.
The Truly Rich Blueprint will eventually give the “kick” to get you out of your comfort zone into your courage zone
and eventually into your success zone.

Note: Success Is Only a Manifestation of What You Have Worked On.
Success in business does not come without consistent effort.
The success and fulfillment that I now harvest in my family, spiritual life, and my financial stature is best described in Luke 6:48: “He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When the floods came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it because it was well built.”
Now that I’ve laid down for you the foundation for a Truly Rich business, I want to urge you to scribble your ideas and learnings on the sides of the pages, chapter by chapter.

*This excerpt was taken from the book, HOW TO TURN YOUR PASSION INTO PROFIT by Bo Sanchez and Dean Pax Lapid, available now in paperback and e-book copy at!

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