How to Deal with Specific Troubling Emotions

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Your mind is the real battlefield.
Because emotions start as thoughts.
If you win in your mind, you win in your life.
If you want to succeed, you need to learn to delete mental habits that drag you down towards failure.
We have so much “trash thoughts.” For example, do you know that 87 percent of our self-talk is negative?
You can’t stop any negative thought from entering your mind. But you can stop a negative thought from building its mansion in the real estate of your mind. Evict the mental squatters! You may not be able to delete all your negative thoughts, but you can disrupt the patterns of negative thoughts.
How? Create new patterns.
God wants us to renew our minds. The Bible says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2)

If you want to succeed, you need to learn to delete negative mental habits that pull you down instead of push you up.
I repeat: Your mind is the real battlefield.
Do you have a problem with your job? The battle is not in your job; the battle is in your mind. Do you have a problem in your family? The battle is not in your family; the battle is in your mind. Do you have a problem with your money? The battle is not with your money; the battle is in your mind.
If you win in your mind, you win in your life.
Lord, give me a new mind!
In the previous section, I gave you general tools to manage the most toxic feelings.
In this section, I’d like to zero in on six of the most difficult emotions and give specific instructions on how to manage each of them. I’ll discuss them in pairs because they’re related with each other…

Difficult Emotions #1: Bitterness and Pettiness
Difficult Emotions #2: Despair and Insecurity
Difficult Emotions #3: Fear and Worry

*This excerpt was taken from HEART DETOX by Bo Sanchez, available in paperback and e-book copy at!

Get this book and start learning how to win over these troubling emotions.

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