Do This When You Fail

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Has something died in your life? Maybe in your job or your career? Or a business that has failed and you’ve crash-landed? Or maybe a relationship has ended? Where have you failed?

I want you to look at failure in three positive ways.

Number one: look at failure as a tough teacher.

Once, a man introduced himself and said, “Brother Bo, I’ve had three failed marriages and I’m in my fourth marriage now. I’m attending The Feast and I want to thank God for that because my fourth marriage is wonderful and happy, and we love each other.”

I replied, “Bravo, praise God!”

Then he said something shocking. “You know what, Brother Bo? If I knew before what I know now, my first marriage would have been successful.”

He continued, “I’m the reason why my first marriage failed.

I’m not saying that my first, second, and third wives had no responsibility in this. They had their own weaknesses. But it was generally my fault because I was selfish.”

The man realized that he learned from that tough teacher named failure. But you don’t have to go through a broken marriage to learn that lesson. So when you see your relationship going through conflict and tough times, learn from it now.

The most valuable lessons you will ever learn in life will come through painful failures.

Number two: Failure is a badge of honor. Your scars are your stars. Believe me, the most successful people in the world have the most failures.

Michael Jordan is in the Guinness Book of World Records for making the most shots in the game of basketball. And that’s because he also made the most number of missed shots.

Number three: You have to see failure as a new door. We don’t pray for failure, but when it happens, it’s a new beginning. If you keep at it and keep tweaking what you do, a defeat can be a new beginning for your life.

*This excerpt was taken from BETTER TODAY THAN YESTERDAY by Bo Sanchez, available in paperback and e-book copy at!
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